Mastery with SQL
A hands-on practical course for learning modern SQL
For a complete course overview and to purchase the course, please visit the official course landing page.
Course Curriculum
1. Introduction to databases and the relational model
Available in
after you enroll
2. Getting setup
Available in
after you enroll
3. Query fundamentals
Available in
after you enroll
StartSELECT FROM (8:18)
StartExercises - SELECT FROM
StartDerived columns (11:26)
StartExercises - Derived Columns
StartFiltering with WHERE (10:29)
StartExercises - Filtering with WHERE
StartAND, OR, and NOT (5:09)
StartExercises - AND, OR, and NOT
StartNULL handling (5:28)
StartExercises - NULL handling
StartIN, BETWEEN, and LIKE (7:13)
StartExercises - IN, BETWEEN, and LIKE
StartORDER BY (8:39)
StartExercises - ORDER BY
StartSQL Order of execution (5:25)
StartExercises - SQL Order of execution
StartLIMIT and OFFSET (5:08)
StartExercises - LIMIT and OFFSET
StartDISTINCT (4:34)
StartExercises - DISTINCT
StartCASE expressions (7:31)
StartExercises - CASE expressions
StartChallenge exercises