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Mastery with SQL
1. Introduction to databases and the relational model
Course introduction (3:34)
Databases and SQL (10:46)
Tables and the relational model (12:19)
2. Getting setup
Installing PostgreSQL and DBeaver (Windows) (4:29)
Installing PostgreSQL and DBeaver (Mac) (4:46)
Creating your first database and table (19:30)
Several nice tweaks for DBeaver (4:13)
Setting up the sample database (6:05)
3. Query fundamentals
Exercises - SELECT FROM
Derived columns (11:26)
Exercises - Derived Columns
Filtering with WHERE (10:29)
Exercises - Filtering with WHERE
AND, OR, and NOT (5:09)
Exercises - AND, OR, and NOT
NULL handling (5:28)
Exercises - NULL handling
IN, BETWEEN, and LIKE (7:13)
Exercises - IN, BETWEEN, and LIKE
ORDER BY (8:39)
Exercises - ORDER BY
SQL Order of execution (5:25)
Exercises - SQL Order of execution
LIMIT and OFFSET (5:08)
Exercises - LIMIT and OFFSET
Exercises - DISTINCT
CASE expressions (7:31)
Exercises - CASE expressions
Challenge exercises
4. Aggregate functions and grouping
Common aggregate functions (4:19)
Exercises - Common aggregate functions
GROUP BY and HAVING (11:45)
Exercises - GROUP BY and HAVING
CASE expressions and aggregations (10:46)
Exercises - CASE expressions and aggregations
Challenge exercises
5. Understanding data types
Introduction to data types (14:03)
Character data types (11:51)
Exercises - Character data types
Number data types (19:09)
Exercises - Number data types
Date and time data types (19:39)
Exercises - Date and time data types
Challenge exercises
6. Joining data from multiple tables
Introduction to joins (2:57)
Cross joins (8:40)
Inner joins (12:26)
Exercises - Inner joins
Outer joins (16:33)
Exercises - Outer joins
Advanced join topics (8:53)
Exercises - Advanced join topics
Challenge exercises
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7. Subqueries
Uncorrelated subqueries (11:00)
Exercises - Uncorrelated subqueries
Correlated subqueries (13:12)
Exercises - Correlated subqueries
Table subqueries (11:43)
Exercises - Table subqueries
Lateral subqueries (4:40)
Exercises - Lateral subqueries
Common table expressions (CTEs) (8:14)
Exercises - Common table expressions
Challenge exercises
8. Window functions
Ranking window functions (8:56)
Exercises - Ranking window functions
Aggregate window functions (12:39)
Exercises - Aggregate window functions
LAG and LEAD (8:07)
Challenge exercises
9. Working with sets
A little bit of set theory (3:10)
UNION (7:40)
Exercises - UNION
Exercises - INTERSECT
EXCEPT (7:01)
Exercises - EXCEPT
Challenge exercises
10. Creating tables and constraints
Creating tables (14:41)
Exercises - Creating tables
Primary keys (17:48)
Exercises - Primary keys
Foreign keys (11:05)
Exercises - Foreign keys
CHECK, UNIQUE, and NOT NULL constraints (10:47)
Exercises - CHECK, UNIQUE, and NOT NULL constraints
Challenge exercises
11. Inserting, updating, and deleting data
Importing and exporting data (10:28)
Exercises - Importing and exporting data
Using transactions and inserting data (9:10)
Exercises - Using transactions and inserting data
Updating data (8:58)
Exercises - Updating data
Deleting data (4:28)
Exercises - Deleting data
Challenge exercises
12. Views and functions
Views (7:48)
Exercises - Views
Materialized views (5:44)
Exercises - Materialized views
Functions (2:27)
Writing functions with SQL (8:24)
Exercises - Writing functions with SQL
Writing functions with PL/pgSQL (10:15)
Exercises - Writing functions with PL/pgSQL
Challenge exercises
13. Query performance and indexing
Query plans with EXPLAIN (11:30)
Indexes (10:56)
Reading complex query plans (10:17)
Query optimization (11:30)
14. Congratulations!
Congratulations (0:56)
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Common table expressions (CTEs)
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